
depiction of a cyber-robot


Cybersecurity Articles

Tips, insights, and alerts covering all things cybersecurity gleaned from the day-to-day and sources online.


Invisible AI

The cybersecurity risks associated with AI/ML tools are slowly but surely being documented and communicated. People are starting to understand these risks and consider them. However as vendors rush to integrate AI into anything they can cram it into, even beer! It becomes far less certain if you may be using AI and not even know it.

Ransomware Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a laptop was whirring, even those with a mouse;
The screens were all flashing with an eerie red glow
All Files Encrypted, All your secrets we know!

All the presents were nestled all snug in the sleigh
But poor Santa had no clue with whom they should stay.
After moving his list to a computer based tracker
It's all now encrypted, and in the hands of some hacker


Mozilla Observatory

Since it has been a few years since I needed to set up a new web site, I haven't been to the Observatory for a while. For those that don't know, it's an excellent way to check your web site against modern standards for configuration. I'm glad to see Mozilla still has it up and running and (at the time of writing) is planning a new version!

To use it, simple visit: 

Edit the URL to add the site you wish to analyze eg:


Installing Greenbone Vulnerability Manager on Ubuntu 22.04

... let's drop a green monster into the mix.

Years ago I ran OpenVAS on my home network as a vulnerability scanner. It was great but updates were challenging and once my old VM host started to show it's age I turned down that VM. With all the other new updates I have been implementing, it was time to get scanning again.